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What Are Reps? How To Use Them For Results, According To Trainers

What Are Reps? How To Use Them For Results, According To Trainers

Look, if you’re at all curious about weight lifting and strength training exercises, you’ve probably heard the word “reps” at some point. You may have even used the abbreviation yourself but still not know what reps are exactly.

Reps is short for the word “repetitions,” meaning the number of times you carry out an action. “When reading your workout, reps are how many times you will do the listed exercise,” says Ashley Rios, CPT, CEO of Fitness by Ashley. There’s a lot more to using reps properly in the context of an exercise program, though.

Meet the experts: Ashley Rios, CPT, is the CEO of Fitness by Ashley in New York. Jacqueline Kasen, CPT, is a Miami-based coach, master trainer, and senior director of group fitness at Anatomy.

For example, if a workout plan says to complete three by 10 reps (sometimes written as 3 x 10), you perform the movement ten times, then rest, Rios explains. You’ll repeat that pattern again twice more until you’ve completed three rounds, AKA, sets. Are you following? Great. Overall: “The purpose of reps and sets is to guide and create consistency in your training,” says Jacqueline Kasen, CPT, senior director of group fitness at Anatomy.

If that piqued your interest in reps, sets, and how to implement them into your routine as a beginner, read on for everything you need to know, according to expert trainers.

What’s a rep and what’s a set?

As mentioned, a rep is just the shortened version of the word repetition. “Reps refer to the number of times you perform a certain exercise or movement within a workout set,” Kasen explains. The number of repetitions serves as a guideline for how many times you should perform the exercise, creating structure in your training, Kasen says. Sets, on the other hand, refer to a grouping of exercises.

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“Coaches follow a structured approach when organizing a workout that includes reps and sets,” Kasen says. For example, a fitness coach might assess your health history, exercise equipment preferences, endurance, strength, mobility, limitations, and more. Then, they use that intel to determine the sets and reps that are best for you.

And note this: Most workouts will use the reps and sets format to explain the routine. Think: weightlifting, strength training, circuit training, bodyweight exercises, HIIT workouts, and more, Kasen says. However, there are a couple instances when reps don’t apply: If you’re performing a workout for time or you’re taking an exercise class where you follow an instructor, you won’t need to think about reps much, Rios notes.

Why should I use reps and sets?

In addition to bringing order to your workout, there are a bunch of benefits that come with using reps and sets during your sweats.

  • Tracking your progress: “By using sets and reps, it gives you data so you can track your progress over a period of time,” Kasen says. By observing how difficult or easy a set of reps and sets become as time passes, you learn where you’re currently at and how your fitness transforms on your way to hitting your goals, she notes.
  • Efficient workouts: Reps and sets provide a simple format for your regular exercises, and they also “allow for time management and structure so you can be more efficient with your workouts,” Kasen says. AKA, no more walking around the gym contemplating what to do next—reps and sets make things simple and straightforward.
  • Trying progressive overloads: Sets and reps provide a framework for progressive overload, which means gradually increasing the difficulty of workouts over time—a practice that’s essential for muscle growth, increasing strength, and providing clear targets for goal setting, Kasen says.

How many reps should I do?

The exact answer varies because the number of reps you should do is determined by your fitness goals, training experience, exercise type, and your overall personal preference, explains Kasen. It’s important to note that when you lift heavier, the reps will likely be lower. And when you lift lighter weights? Yep, the reps will be higher since you’ll need to lift for longer to feel your muscles working and bump up your muscular endurance.

  • For strength: 1 to 6 reps of heavy weight
  • For power: 1 to 3 reps using a heavier weight
  • For endurance: 12 to 20 reps of moderate weight

How To Get Started With Reps And Sets

It might feel a little overwhelming to implement reps and sets on your own. (You’ve got this, trust!) To get started, think about your health and exercise goals, Kasen says. For example: Do you want to build strength, muscle, power, endurance, or something different? Once you determine this, you can pick a workout program that will help you reach those goals.

If your MO is general health and wellness, Kasen suggests starting with this simple plan:

  • Week one: 12 to 15 reps
  • Week two: 10 to 12 reps
  • Week three: 8 to 10 reps
  • Week four: lighten your loads and focus on recovery

Finally, if you’re just starting out with a fitness routine, “it’s best to work out with someone who is more advanced than you, ideally a personal trainer,” Rios says. At the very least, head to the gym with someone who can spot you as you lift. (Like your workout buddy!)

Headshot of Madeline Howard

Freelance Writer

Madeline Howard is a writer, editor, and creative based in Brooklyn. Her work has been published in Esquire, Nylon, Cosmopolitan, and other publications. Among other things, she was formerly an editor at Women’s Health. Subscribe to her newsletter ‘hey howie’ at madelinehoward.substack.com.  

Science Supports Home & Herbal Remedies Despite Doubters

Science Supports Home & Herbal Remedies Despite Doubters

A surprising number of people hate home & herbal remedies. We have lost count of the number of visitors to this website who complain bitterly that such treatments lack credibility and are unproven. We have also been accused of promoting scams and hoaxes, despite the fact that most home remedies are inexpensive and can be created in the kitchen.

Many health care providers have been taught that herbs and kitchen table wisdom are relics of a bygone era. We beg to disagree. We firmly believe that there is room for both modern meds AND treatments that have withstood the test of time.

Evidence vs Experience: A False Dichotomy!

It is certainly true that there is no company or funding agency willing to spend tens of millions of dollars to carry out randomized controlled trials on remedies that can’t be patented. There is, however, a surprising amount of data demonstrating that both herbs and home remedies have a scientific basis for healing many common ailments.

Let’s get one thing absolutely straight from the get go: We love well-conducted randomized, controlled clinical trials. We also appreciate experience. It is not an either-or proposition.

Many modern medicines were derived from nature and/or because someone was alert and observant. One of the greatest drug discoveries of all time occurred in just this manner.

A Short History of Penicillin:

Jump into my time machine and set the clock to September 3, 1928. Dr. Alexander Fleming took a vacation. Before departing, however, he left a Petri dish growing with Staph bacteria. Upon his return, he discovered mold had restricted the growth of the bacteria in one area.

Dr. Fleming discovered that this “mold juice” could kill a variety of bacteria including streptococcus, diphtheria and meningococcus. You know the end of the story, right? Dr. Fleming’s discovery ultimately led to the development of penicillin.

Did Penicillin Work in Patients?

But the story does not end there. The first antibiotic had to be tested in humans. In those days, infected wounds were often lethal. They led to sepsis, which could not be reversed.

One of the first patients to receive penicillin was a 43-year-old British policeman. Albert Alexander was injured during a bombing raid in 1941. The wound became infected, and he became extremely ill.

Dr. Charles Fletcher injected him with the first crude extract of penicillin on February 12, 1941. Within 24 hours, Mr. Alexander had dramatically improved. He received the only available penicillin for four days and demonstrated a remarkable recovery. But then the penicillin ran out. Within a month, he relapsed and died.

Penicillin and Venereal Disease:

Clinical “trials” of penicillin happened in military hospitals in north Africa between 1942 and 1943. When the antibiotic was administered to injured soldiers, many recovered from what once would have been fatal infections.

Physicians knew the historical course of such wounds and could tell quickly that penicillin was having an important impact.

There was also a serendipitous discovery: 

“Although he [Dr. Howard Florey] intended that penicillin be used to treat the seriously wounded, there were large numbers of venereal disease cases, against which penicillin was particularly effective, and from a military point of view being able to cure gonorrhea in 48 hours was a breakthrough.”

None of the penicillin advances occurred as a result of randomized controlled trials. The greatest drug discovery in modern medicine resulted from observation and experience!

Modern Medicines Originating from Home & Herbal Remedies:

We love science and randomized controlled trials (RCTs) when scientists do them properly. Many health professionals would be surprised to learn how many medications originally evolved from simple observation, though.


The history of aspirin is a classic example. Willow bark was used for over 3,500 years dating back to ancient Egypt. Healers learned through trial and error that something in willow bark could ease pain and lower a fever.

Although there were no RCTs in those days, people knew that something in willow bark could ease inflammation. In fact, the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, apparently told women to chew willow bark to calm the pain of labor during childbirth.

It wasn’t until 1828 that a scientist refined the active ingredient in willow bark and called it Salicin. Dr. Felix Hoffman eventually created acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) in 1897 based on the salicylate compound found in willow bark.


Historians also trace the use of cardiac glycosides back to ancient Egypt. It wasn’t until the 18th century, though, that the English physician William Withering learned about foxglove from colleagues and/or botanists and herbalists.

He went on to employ compounds from the foxglove plant (Digitalis purpurea) to treat “dropsy.” This was the old name for edema and was a prominent feature of congestive heart failure.

Common Foxglove flowers, many beautiful purple with white Common Foxglove flowers blooming in the garden

The drug digoxin (Lanoxin) was approved by the FDA in 1954 to treat heart failure and chronic atrial fibrillation. It was one of the key heart medications of the 20th century.

Common Sense and Experience When Utilizing Home & Herbal Remedies:

Sometimes all it takes is old-fashioned common sense to tell if something works. A perfect example is a home remedy that nuns and school teachers have employed for many decades: they applied cold keys to the back of the neck.

Either your nose is bleeding or it’s not. Your eyes will reveal if the remedy worked. No RCT is necessary. Here are a couple of stories that illustrate that point:

One reader offered this memory:

“I attended Catholic school and when anyone had a nosebleed, the nun would hold something cold against the back of the neck–ice, cold water on a paper towel, keys or a crucifix.”

A woman born in Belgium shared this:

“When I was a little girl I had many nosebleeds. My mother was always grabbing the big key from the front door and putting it on my back to stop the bleeding right away.”

Tammy says it’s the cold that works the magic:

“Anything cold will work. I’ve had success using ice packs, keys or a large metal kitchen serving spoon. Stops my nosebleeds within a couple of minutes. I get best results when the cold object lies against my back between my shoulder blades, or slightly lower.”

So Many Home & Herbal Remedies Are Observable:

Nosebleeds are just one example of the power of observation. You can read about black pepper to stop bleeding at this link.  The individuals are convinced that black pepper saved their lives.

One word of caution, though. The FDA has reported that many spices imported into the US are contaminated with all sorts of unpleasant stuff. According to an NPR interview with a spice buyer for McCormick & Company, all their spices are steam sterilized.

Home & Herbal Remedies: Just Monitor the Pain:

Have you ever burned yourself in the kitchen? Who hasn’t? Pain is an immediate consequence.

Here is just one of many stories about the use of soy sauce for kitchen burns:

“I listened to your public radio show and heard a man call in recommending soy sauce for burns. “How weird is that?” I thought. But then, as I took a loaf of bread out of the oven, the inner edge of my thumb and the fleshy pad underneath hit the metal rim of the pan. I expected a painful burn. Since I had nothing else at hand, I decided to try the soy sauce remedy.

“The pain eased up in less than a minute, the soreness did not materialize and even the redness went away! It may be weird, but it certainly did work!”

Do you need an RCT to tell you if soy sauce works to ease pain? Some health care providers might convince themselves that this is purely a placebo reaction. But we have received so many similar messages that we are convinced it works!

Yellow Mustard for Heartburn:

Some home remedies seem counterintuitive. For example, if you have indigestion, swallowing a spoonful or two of yellow mustard might be the last thing you would feel like doing. Nonetheless, readers have told us over the years that mustard can serve as an effective heartburn remedy. One reader even used mustard to get off prescription acid-suppressing drugs.

yellow mustard squeezing out of a bottle

Here is his story:

“For years, I was on powerful acid reflux drugs to help me with the pain of heartburn that seemed to get worse daily. I read that mustard might help, so I tried it.

“I’m happy to report I’m now completely off prescription drugs! The mustard remedy worked! In the beginning, I doubted that anything so simple would be useful, but I want to thank you for writing about this.

“Immediately after reading mustard could help, I walked over to my fridge, grabbed the mustard and swallowed two heaping tablespoons, followed by a swig of water. Now, I am fortunate I do love mustard, but I have to tell you it was getting a little old after my fourth bottle within three to four months. But oddly, it didn’t even dawn on me that each week I was using less and less mustard. So right about the time I was starting to gag at the sight of mustard, I actually stopped needing it daily!

Experimentation Did the Trick:

“I experimented a lot. If I knew I might have a spicy meal, I’d take mustard. Before, my heartburn was brutal at night, especially when I laid down. Two ‘doses’ of mustard before bed changed that. Within seven months, my heartburn is all but cured. Now I only take mustard once or twice a week, when I think I might have an extra spicy meal.

“Honestly, I don’t know why this remedy works but I’m living proof. If you have suffered for years with heartburn and want to get off the meds, give this a try. Don’t give up right away. It took me about four bottles to get away from that horrible acidic feeling in my throat. I also just tried to eat better all the way around.

“I was so traumatized by heartburn that when I did eat a spicy meal in the past, I just sat there waiting for the pain. I remember guzzling bottles of Mylanta or Pepto-Bismol on top of my regular meds. Nothing worked until I stumbled across the mustard remedy.”

The Science Behind Home & Herbal Remedies:

We now have a hypothesis how this mysterious remedy may work. A randomized controlled trial published in BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine (Sept. 11, 2023) demonstrates that curcumin is as effective as omeprazole (Prilosec) for easing heartburn symptoms.

Curcumin is the component of the spice turmeric that makes it yellow. Turmeric is a key ingredient in yellow mustard. Consequently, the power of curcumin to calm digestive upset might well explain why mustard can be helpful.

The authors of the study even offer an explanation for how curcumin may work. Apparently, transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are critical for the perception of intestinal pain. Curcumin activates TRPV1 channels to “reverse intestinal hypersensitivity.”

You can read more about this research at this link.

It is unlikely that the FDA will be approving yellow mustard to treat indigestion any time soon. Nonetheless, this simple and inexpensive approach could offer relief to people who prefer to follow the axiom, “Let food be your medicine.”

Final Words about Home & Herbal Remedies:

We would love to hear from you. Have you used a home or herbal remedy that worked? Please share it in the comment section below. If you would like to read more about such approaches, you may find that our book, The People’s Pharmacy Quick & Handy Home Remedies of real value.  It is available from our bookstore at this link.

7 Home Remedies for UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections)

7 Home Remedies for UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections)

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  • Evaluate ingredients and composition: Do they have the potential to cause harm?
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From staying hydrated to taking cranberry supplements, there are a handful of home remedies to try if you’re looking to ward off UTIs.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are very common. A 2022 analysis found that more than 404.6 million people had UTIs worldwide in 2019.

UTIs happen when bacteria, usually from the skin or rectum, enter the urethra. You can get an infection along any part of the urinary tract, but bladder infections are the most common.

Though UTIs can affect anyone, people assigned female at birth are more prone to them. That’s because the female urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the bladder, is shorter than the male urethra.

The shorter distance makes it easier for bacteria to reach the bladder. The proximity of the urethra to the vagina and rectum, which are sources of bacteria, also plays a role.

Other risk factors for UTIs include:

  • history of UTIs
  • sexual activity
  • poor hygiene
  • age, with children and older adults more prone to UTIs
  • pregnancy
  • changes to vaginal bacteria, which spermicides and menopause can cause
  • structural problems in the urinary tract, such as an enlarged prostate
  • having a catheter in place
  • certain medical conditions, such as diabetes

Bacteria cause almost 95% of UTIs, but fungi can also cause infection.

Though antibiotics typically treat UTIs, there are several natural ways to help manage infections and reduce the risk of recurrence.

This article reviews six home remedies you can use to treat UTIs.

Dehydration is linked to an increased risk of UTIs.

This is because regular urination can help flush bacteria from the urinary tract to prevent infection. When you’re dehydrated, you aren’t urinating as often, which can create a breeding ground for bacteria.

A 2019 study examined nursing home residents and administered a drinking schedule to participants to increase their fluid intake. Following the schedule decreased UTIs requiring antibiotics by 58%.

In a 2020 randomized control trial, 140 premenopausal participants prone to UTIs took part in a 12-month study to test if a higher fluid intake would decrease their risk of recurrent cystitis and, in turn, their risk of developing a UTI. Researchers found that an increase in fluid intake led to a decrease in UTI frequency.

To stay hydrated and meet your fluid needs, it’s best to drink water throughout the day and always when you’re thirsty.

Benefits of drinking more fluids for UTI

Drinking plenty of liquids can decrease your risk of UTIs by making you pee more, which helps remove bacteria from your urinary tract.

Some evidence suggests that increasing your vitamin C intake could protect against UTIs.

Vitamin C is thought to work by increasing the acidity of urine, killing off the bacteria that cause infection.

A small 2020 randomized placebo study involving 19 people who had undergone a kidney transplant found that the amount of bacteria in urine was significantly lower in people who received intravenous vitamin C group than the placebo group.

A 2016 study with 42 participants showed that combining vitamin C with two other popular natural UTI remedies — cranberries and the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus — could be an effective treatment for recurrent UTIs.

Despite these studies, more research is needed to prove vitamin C’s effectiveness in reducing UTI risk. Plus, there are conflicting views on whether vitamin C can really change the acidity of your urine enough to kill off bacteria.

If you need help getting enough vitamin C, you can try products like vitamin C gummies, sprays, or oral tablets.

However, it’s still recommended to eat foods rich in vitamin C. Fruits and vegetables are especially high in vitamin C and are a good way to increase your intake. Red peppers, oranges, grapefruit, and kiwifruit all contain the full recommended daily amount of vitamin C in just one serving.

Finally, keep in mind that if you’re already meeting your vitamin C needs through diet alone, it’s unclear whether taking additional vitamin C through supplements is beneficial.

Nordic Naturals Vitamin C Gummies

One serving of these tangerine-flavored gummies by Nordic Naturals contains 250 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C to support daily immunity. This certified-vegan option is a simple way to supplement vitamin C from dietary sources.

Plus, all Nordic Naturals supplements are third-party tested to ensure purity and potency with certificates of analysis (COAs) easily accessible online.

Garden of Life Vitamin C Spray

This citrusy spray provides a liquid boost of vitamin C support. You can choose a Stevia-sweetened version or a tangier taste without any sweetener.

Five sprays on your tongue amount to one serving, which delivers 60 mg of vitamin C to your immune system. The spray bottle format means you can adjust the dosage to your needs.

Benefits of vitamin C for UTI

Increasing vitamin C intake may decrease your risk of UTIs by making your urine more acidic, thus killing infection-causing bacteria.

Drinking unsweetened cranberry juice is one of the most well-known natural remedies for UTIs. If drinking unsweetened cranberry juice isn’t your thing, you can also take it in capsule form.

Some experts believe cranberries have properties that might prevent bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract, which helps with UTI prevention.

In a study published in 2022, participants with a history of recurring uncomplicated UTIs reported a reduction in infections after taking a cranberry supplement for 6 months prior.

Additionally, a 2021 review of 23 studies found that cranberry supplements (including juices, tablets, and capsules) significantly reduced the likelihood of UTIs.

However, researchers noted there were several limitations of the studies reviewed. They recommend larger, more high quality studies to confirm the potential role of cranberry supplements in preventing UTIs.

Also keep in mind that while some research supports the use of cranberry supplements in the prevention of UTIs, whether they actually work as a treatment for an active UTI is less cut and dry.

Finally, it’s worth noting any possible benefits of this home remedy only apply to unsweetened cranberry juice (or cranberry capsules), rather than sweetened juice varieties. Cranberry juice with added sugars won’t help treat an active UTI.

Spring Valley Cranberry Extract Capsule

Each serving of these capsules contains 500 mg of organic cranberry extract. Some reviewers who reported frequent UTIs say they’ve had success taking this supplement as a daily preventive measure.

Benefits of cranberries for UTI

Some studies suggest that cranberries could help reduce your risk of UTIs by preventing bacteria from adhering to your urinary tract.

Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that are consumed through food or supplements. They can promote a healthy balance of bacteria in your gut.

Probiotics are available in supplement form or can be found in fermented foods, such as kefir, kimchi, kombucha, and probiotic yogurt.

Consuming probiotics has been linked to many things, from improved digestive health to enhanced immune function.

Some studies have shown that certain probiotics may reduce the risk of UTIs. These studies have involved the use of oral and vaginally administered probiotics as well as different probiotic strains.

Antibiotics, the main line of defense against UTIs, can cause disturbances in levels of gut bacteria. Probiotics may be beneficial in restoring gut bacteria after antibiotic treatment.

Studies have shown that probiotics can increase levels of good gut bacteria and reduce side effects associated with antibiotic use.

Still, keep in mind that probiotics may not be appropriate for everyone. Always talk with a healthcare professional about whether probiotics are right for you and which strains to take.

Bio-Kult Pro-Cyan Probiotic

Bio-Kult Pro-Cyan is specifically formulated to support urinary tract health and includes cranberry extract and two targeted probiotic strains: Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus plantarum.

Research suggests that both strains have antimicrobial properties that may help block the growth of bacteria that can cause UTIs. Additionally, some studies have found that Lactobacillus acidophilus may promote overall vaginal health and protect against bacterial vaginosis.

Benefits of probiotics for UTI

Probiotics could help prevent UTIs and are beneficial for restoring gut bacteria after antibiotic treatment.

Preventing UTIs starts with practicing a few good bathroom and hygiene habits.

First, it’s important not to hold your urine for too long. This can lead to a buildup of bacteria, resulting in infection.

Peeing after sex has long been linked to a reduced risk of UTIs by preventing the spread of bacteria and is recommended by health authorities, including Planned Parenthood.

Additionally, those who are prone to UTIs should avoid using spermicide, as it has been linked to an increase in UTIs.

Finally, when using the toilet — especially if you have a female urethra — make sure you wipe front to back. Wiping from back to front can cause bacteria to spread to the urinary tract and is associated with an increased risk of UTIs.

One way to stop or prevent any bacteria from spreading amongst genitalia is by using Always Feminine Wipes.

Always Feminine Wipes

Easily resealable and compact enough to keep on your person, these wipes are lightly scented to ensure you feel fresh and clean throughout the day. These are good for convenient access throughout your day.

Benefits of healthy hygiene for UTI

Urinating frequently and after sexual intercourse can reduce the risk of UTI. Careful wiping when you use the toilet may also help decrease the risk of UTI.

Research shows garlic and garlic extract to have antimicrobial properties, so they may be able to block the growth of bacteria to prevent UTIs.

While not many studies have specialized in the effects of garlic in treating UTIs, one 2014 study found that the combination of garlic oil and parsley in pills could have a synergistic effect on bacterial growth and proliferation.

A 2022 study found that rats with an induced UTI caused by E. coli bacteria saw significant improvement in their infection when given garlic.

While cooking garlic alters its properties and may make its health benefits decrease, most people can safely consume raw garlic as part of a healthy diet. However, people with GERD, people who take blood thinners, and people who have an irritable digestive tract might want to avoid eating garlic in its uncooked form.

If you don’t like or can’t eat raw garlic but are interested in seeing if it could help ward off your next UTI, you might consider a garlic supplement.

Nature’s Bounty Garlic Extract

Nature’s Bounty’s 1,000-mg garlic extract formula is primarily designed to support heart and cardiovascular health. However, it may also have immune-boosting properties, which could contribute to preventing recurring UTIs. Some consider it a way of helping reduce bacterial growth in the body as a whole.

Benefits of garlic for UTI

Garlic hasn’t been strongly linked to treating or preventing UTIs, but it does have documented antimicrobial and immune-supporting properties.

Consuming raw garlic or taking garlic supplements could have the added benefit of targeting certain bacterial strains that may be causing your UTIs to keep coming back.

D-mannose is a type of sugar that is found in cranberries and other fruit. Similar to other home remedies on our list, it may be able to prevent harmful bacteria from adhering to your urinary tract.

Some studies suggest it’s effective in treating UTIs and preventing recurrence. At least three studies have shown D-mannose is effective not only as a UTI deterrent but also as a treatment for an active UTI.

Research into how well D-mannose works to help people with recurrent UTIs is still early, but the results so far have been promising.

You can add D-mannose to your diet by upping your intake of blueberries, cranberries, apples, peaches, and oranges. Broccoli and green beans are an additional source of D-mannose.

You can also consider adding a D-mannose supplement to your regimen.

Perelel Urinary Tract Support Powder

  • Price: $$
  • What it’s good for: people with recurrent UTIs who are interested in trying a D-mannose-containing supplement

In addition to D-mannose, Perelel Urinary Tract Support Powder contains hibiscus powder and nettle leaf, which are anecdotally known as home remedies for recurrent UTIs.

According to the company, this powder is designed to be taken daily by stirring the contents into a glass of water.

You can read more about Perelel in our comprehensive review.

Here are some ways you can manage UTI symptoms that may also help prevent a recurrence:

  • Stay well hydrated.
  • Avoid or limit foods and drinks that can irritate the bladder, such as coffee, soft drinks, and citrus.
  • Avoid holding in your pee for too long.
  • Apply a heating pad or hot water bottle to minimize bladder discomfort.
  • Ask your doctor about prescription or OTC pain medication.
  • Take all your antibiotics as prescribed by your healthcare professional.

It’s important to talk with a doctor if you have symptoms of a UTI. While natural remedies may help, a healthcare professional can diagnose a UTI and prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection.

Left untreated, UTIs risk severe complications, including spreading to your kidneys. Don’t ignore symptoms of a severe infection.

Get in touch with a healthcare professional if you experience any of the following:

  • a fever over 103°F (39.4°C)
  • shaking
  • chills
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • blood in your urine

Will a UTI go away on its own?

In about 20% of cases, UTIs resolve without treatment.

How do you treat a UTI without going to the doctor?

If you keep yourself well-hydrated, your UTI infection might resolve on its own. That said, this isn’t true in all cases. Your UTI treatment will vary according to what’s causing the infection.

Certain UTIs, especially chronic and recurring ones, will need antibiotic treatment as opposed to simple home remedies. This means you will need to see a doctor for treatment.

If you’re prescribed antibiotics to treat a UTI, a healthcare professional may choose an antibiotic that’s specific to the type of bacteria that’s triggering your infection.

What relieves UTI fast?

Fast relief of a UTI might not be possible. OTC products like AZO contain active ingredients that have antibacterial properties. In the case of AZO, the active ingredient is a compound called methenamine. In combination with an anti-inflammatory compound, these products are meant to help your body kill harmful bacteria.

That said, for powerful bacterial infections, the active ingredients in OTC products just might not be enough. Also, most of these products are advertised as a protection against UTIs, not necessarily a treatment for current, active infections. For proper treatment, you would need to see a doctor to get the right medication.

How can I make a UTI go away faster at home?

Sometimes, you can get rid of a UTI naturally by resting, drinking lots of water, taking dietary supplements, and giving the infection some time to heal. UTIs can sometimes resolve naturally without the use of antibiotics.

However, there are certain situations where “wait and see” just isn’t an acceptable approach. Untreated UTIs can cause potentially life-threatening complications, including sepsis.

What are signs that your UTI is healing?

UTIs typically clear up within 7-10 days of starting treatment. You should start to notice a gradual improvement in your pain and other symptoms.

If you don’t notice any improvement within this time frame or your symptoms are getting worse, talk with your doctor.

UTIs are a common and frustrating problem, particularly if they keep recurring.

Home remedies and OTC products can help prevent UTIs, but they can’t always completely eliminate the bacteria causing your infection. If you’re trying home remedies but still have symptoms, talk with a healthcare professional to avoid any complications.

Staying hydrated, practicing health-promoting habits, and supplementing your diet with some UTI-fighting ingredients are good ways to lower your risk of these infections in the future.

Read this article in Spanish.

Home Remedies to Relieve Gas and Reduce Bloating

Home Remedies to Relieve Gas and Reduce Bloating

Although everyone experiences gas, some people are troubled by it more than others. At times, excessive gas can become uncomfortable or even painful. But simple changes to your diet can provide gas relief and also aid digestion. In addition to over-the-counter gas relief products, items commonly found in the kitchen may double as gas relievers.

Herbs for Gas Relief

A number of herbs with so-called carminative properties may help ease gas and prevent bloating, according to Angela Lemond, RDN, a dietitian and nutritionist based in Texas and a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She explains that a carminative is a substance that aids in the expulsion of gas.

Ginger is often considered a carminative for its gastrointestinal effects. A systemic review published in January 2020 in the journal Nutrients found that out of studies that analyzed ginger’s effect on different gastric functions, 85 percent reported ginger as a digestive enhancer. As it relates to gas relief, faster digestion allows gases to move more quickly out of your small intestine to relieve discomfort and bloating.

Additionally, a systemic review published in January 2019 in Food Science & Nutrition found that ginger was an important dietary agent in helping prevent dyspepsia (upper abdominal pain), flatulence, and bloating.

Herbal Medicine Market Size to Hit USD 356 Billion by 2030

Herbal Medicine Market Size to Hit USD 356 Billion by 2030

New York, USA, March 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Herbal Medicine Market Overview

According to a Comprehensive Research Report by Market Research Future (MRFR), “Herbal Medicine Market Information By Category, Type of Medicinal Plants, Form, Source, Distribution Channel – Forecast till 2030”, the market size was valued USD 145 billion in 2021 and expected to reach USD 356 Billion by 2030 at 10.9% CAGR during the forecast period 2022-2030

Market Scope

According to the global herbal medicine market research report prepared by MRFR, the growing demand for herbal medicines among the expanding populace is anticipated to be a significant factor that can drive the market during the analysis timeframe. The increasing awareness about the advantages of herbal medicines is expected to be another salient cause, which can develop the global market of herbal medicine in the forthcoming tenure. A particular kind of food supplement is a herbal medication. As tablets, capsules, powders, teas, extracts, and fresh or dried plants, they are also sold. Herbal remedies are used by people to try to preserve or enhance their health.

Many individuals think that “natural” products are always secure and healthy for them. This isn’t always the case. Herbal medications are exempt from the testing that is required for pharmaceuticals. Certain herbs, including ephedra and comfrey, can be extremely harmful. Certain herbs can interact with over-the-counter or prescription medications.

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Report Scope:

Report Attribute Details
Market Size in 2030 USD 356 billion
CAGR 10.9%
Base Year 2021
Forecast Period 2022-2030
Historical Data 2020
Forecast Units Value (USD Billion)
Report Coverage Revenue Forecast, Competitive Landscape, Growth Factors, and Trends
Segments Covered By Category, Type of Medicinal Plants, Form, Source and Distribution Channel
Geographies Covered North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Rest of the World (RoW)
Key Market Drivers Growing Preferences for Traditional Medicines
Increasing R&D to Offer Significant Market Growth during the Analysis Period

Herbal Medicine Market Competitive Dynamics

Due to the presence of numerous companies, the market for herbal medications is highly fragmented globally. The increasing use of medicinal plants is anticipated to present a variety of market expansion prospects, increasing the number of new players joining the market. Also, the market is more competitive due to the presence of numerous regional companies. Manufacturers are concentrating on creating herbal medications, and the industry’s expanding technological advancements are projected to increase market competition. Also, the growing efforts to increase their customer base are probably going to increase the industry’s reach.

The major players of the market are:

  • Arkopharma
  • Bayer AG
  • Hishimo Pharmaceuticals
  • Schaper & Brümmer
  • ZeinPharma Germany GmbH
  • Venus Pharma GmbH
  • Dasherb Corp.
  • Arizona Natural Products
  • Blackmores
  • Himalaya Global Holdings Ltd
  • Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Pvt. Ltd.

Herbal Medicine Market Trends


According to the global herbal medicine market research report prepared by MRFR, the growing demand for herbal medicines among the expanding populace is anticipated to be a significant factor that can drive the market during the analysis timeframe. Another significant factor that is anticipated to contribute to the growth of the global herbal medicine market in the near future is the growing public awareness of the benefits of herbal medicines. Chemicals aren’t used in herbal treatments. As a result, they are more popular with the general public, increasing the size of the market for herbal medicines over the forecast period. Also, they are inexpensive. As a result, the industry is anticipated to experience tremendous growth.

Future market expansion potential are anticipated to be significant given the rising research funding and investments in herbal medicines. Also, the COVID-19 outbreak has provided attractive chances for the producers of natural medicines that would expand the market.


In the long run, it is projected that the market expansion for herbal medicines will be constrained by the subpar standardization of herbal medications. Throughout the projected period, it is anticipated that the allergic reaction and the sluggish outcomes of herbal medications will present a significant impediment to market expansion.

Browse In-depth Market Research Report (163 Pages) on Herbal Medicine: https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/herbal-medicine-market-3250

COVID-19 Analysis

The health and pharmaceutical industries were significantly impacted by the epidemic, and these industries may succeed in the short and long terms. Moreover, R&D and manufacturing activities experience short- and long-term unfavorable effects, and projects and programs unrelated to the core supply chain and data management operations experience delays.  Pharma companies are responding and working to make up for the lost revenue even if the full extent of the global epidemic is still unknown. Due to the lack of a treatment for COVID-19’s new condition, consumers’ attention is now more focused on boosting immunity.

Because to the rising demand for herbal medicines to strengthen immunity, the COVID-19 outbreak has had a favorable effect on the global market for herbal medicines. Due to their lack of chemicals, herbal medications experienced tremendous growth throughout the COVID-19 era. The most popular form of treatment for many illnesses is herbal medicine.

Market Segmentation

By type of medicinal plants

The aloe vera segment has substantial growth over the review period.

By form

The capsules & tablets segment are recording notable growth over the review period.

By source

The whole plants segment is expected to gain momentum over the forecast period.

By Distribution Channel

The hospital and retail pharmacies sector is predicted to gain the largest market share during the forecast period in the distribution channel segment of the worldwide market for herbal medication. The world’s rising incidence of infectious and cancerous diseases, the availability of qualified workers, and the development of healthcare infrastructure are some of the key factors influencing this market’s expansion.

By Category

The herbal pharmaceutical segment is anticipated to garner a sizable market value over the course of the forecast period in the channel segment of the worldwide market for herbal medicine. The growth of R&D and the rising demand for natural medications because of their less side effects can be linked with the segment’s expansion. Also, the rise in chronic illnesses including diabetes, cancer, and digestive issues is likely to be a significant element that shapes the industry going forward.

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Herbal Medicine Market Regional Analysis

According to the MRFR research on the herbal medicine sector, Europe is expected to have a monopoly on the global market during the forecasted period. An important element that is anticipated to significantly influence the market over the analysis timeframe is the growing R&D for herbal medicines and the growing investment in the market. Another significant factor that could boost the market in the area is the rising prevalence of chronic illnesses among the growing population.

Due to the rising rates of chronic illness among the growing population, Americas is predicted to obtain the second-largest market share during the analysis period. Given that more people are becoming aware of the advantages of herbal medications, the US is expected to be a lucrative industry.

Due to growing public awareness of the advantages of herbal medicines, APAC is predicted to experience the quickest growth during the projection period. During the evaluation period, India and China are anticipated to be the most profitable markets. Some significant factors that may influence the market in the region include the medicines’ lack of chemicals and cheaper price. Because the Ayurveda System has been used in India since the Vedic era, the country is a recognized global centre for herbal treatments. Additionally, it is predicted that the market will expand significantly throughout the assessment period as a result of rising investment and the implementation of favorable policies by the Indian Government.

Discover More Research Reports on Healthcare Industry by Market Research Future:

Ayurveda Market Information By Form (Herbal, Herbomineral, and Mineral), By Application (Medicinal and Personal Care), By Disease Pattern (Respiratory System, Nervous Systems, Gastrointestinal Tract, Cardiovascular System, Infectious Diseases, and Skeletal System), By End User (Academia & Research, and Hospitals & Clinics), By Source (Vegetable, and Animal & Mineral), and Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Rest of the World)—Forecast till 2030

Herbal Medicinal Products Market Research Report Information By Type (Traditional Chinese Medicines, Homeopathic Medicines, Aromatherapy Medicines, and Ayurvedic Medicines), By Function (General Wellness, Cardiovascular Health, Gut & Digestive Health, and Cognitive Health), By Form (Powder, Syrups, Ointments, Oils, and Capsules &Tablets), And By Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, And Rest Of The World) – Market Forecast Till 2030

Ayurvedic Products Market Application, Share And Trends Analysis By Product-Type (Personal Care, Healthcare, Others), By Specialty Attribute (Organic, Vegan, Gmo-Free, And Others), By Distribution Channel (Store Based (Supermarket/Hypermarket, Specialty Stores, Drug-Stores, Convenience Stores, Others), Non-Store Based (E-Commerce), And By Region Forecast To 2030

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Market Research Future (MRFR) is a global market research company that takes pride in its services, offering a complete and accurate analysis with regard to diverse markets and consumers worldwide. Market Research Future has the distinguished objective of providing the optimal quality research and granular research to clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help answer your most important questions.

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Top Natural OTC Adderall Alternatives For 2023

Top Natural OTC Adderall Alternatives For 2023

Top Natural OTC Adderall Alternatives For 2023

Are you searching for a safer, more natural alternative to Adderall to enhance your cognitive function? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the top natural OTC Adderall alternatives for 2023, delving into the benefits, effectiveness, and safety of these powerful substitutes for ADHD and focus.

Get the Current Best OTC Adderall Alternative

Key Takeaways

●    This article examines two categories of Adderall alternatives: pharmaceutical medications and natural over-the-counter remedies.
●    Vyvamind, herbal remedies, lifestyle changes offer safe and effective alternatives to manage ADHD symptoms without the risks associated with prescription drugs.
●    Healthcare providers and online retailers provide tailored treatments for individuals to find an effective ADHD treatment best suited for their needs.

Understanding Adderall and Its Effects

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Adderall, a central nervous system stimulant, is a widely prescribed medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Its primary purpose is to reduce hyperstimulation of the brain and enable increased focus. By affecting brain blood flow and influencing neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine, Adderall has been shown to improve attention, focus, and impulse control. These cognitive benefits can promote brain health in individuals with ADHD.

However, Adderall comes with potential risks, including adverse side effects and the possibility of misuse or addiction. Long-term use may lead to dependency, prompting many people to seek natural alternatives for managing their ADHD symptoms. As a result, the demand for natural OTC Adderall substitutes is on the rise due to concerns regarding potential adverse effects and the difficulty in obtaining prescription drugs.

To find an appropriate substitute, a comprehensive understanding of the different options is necessary. This guide will explore the top natural OTC Adderall alternatives, focusing on their safety, effectiveness, and potential benefits for enhancing cognitive function and overall brain health.

To avoid symptoms people are recommending Vyvamind, as a safer alternative to adderall.

The Need for Adderall Alternatives

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The growing demand for Adderall alternatives can be attributed to concerns about the medication’s side effects, addiction potential, and accessibility. Adderall requires a medical diagnosis and prescription, limiting its availability to those who may benefit from its cognitive-enhancing effects but do not have ADHD. Moreover, the potential risks of addiction and side effects associated with Adderall use make it essential to find safer alternatives.

Natural Adderall alternatives offer a promising solution, providing similar benefits such as enhancing cognitive performance, concentration, memory, and more. These alternatives are generally considered safer than Adderall and can be accessed without a prescription. As a result, individuals seeking to improve their cognitive function without the risks associated with prescription medications can turn to natural alternatives for support.

The selection of an Adderall substitute should involve careful consideration of cost-value balance and product accessibility. By doing so, you can find the best Adderall alternatives that cater to your individual needs and offer a safer, more natural solution to enhance cognitive function.

Categories of Adderall Alternatives

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dderall alternatives can be divided into two main categories: pharmaceutical alternatives and natural OTC alternatives. Each category has its own benefits and  drawbacks, and the choice between them depends on individual needs and preferences.

Pharmaceutical alternatives include stimulant and non-stimulant medications, such as Ritalin, Concerta, Vyvanse, and Strattera, which can be prescribed by a healthcare provider. Medications prescribed to treat ADHD work by changing certain chemicals in the brain. Additionally, they use different ways of action to alleviate the symptoms associated with ADHD. However, they often require a prescription and come with their own set of potential side effects.

On the other hand, natural OTC Adderall alternatives encompass a variety of options, including Vyvamind, herbal remedies, and lifestyle changes, which can be accessed without a prescription. These alternatives aim to provide cognitive benefits and support overall brain health without the risks associated with pharmaceutical medications.

Subsequent sections will provide a more detailed exploration of these natural OTC alternatives and their potential benefits.

Pharmaceutical Adderall Alternatives

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Prescription pharmaceutical Adderall alternatives include both stimulant and non-stimulant medications. Stimulant medications, such as Ritalin, Concerta, and Vyvanse, work by increasing dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain, thereby improving focus, attention, and impulse control. Non-stimulant medications, like Strattera and Kapvay, target different chemicals in the brain or use different mechanisms of action to alleviate ADHD symptoms.

A healthcare provider’s consultation is important when considering a pharmaceutical  Adderall alternative to determine the most effective ADHD treatment tailored to your individual needs for optimal symptom management. The selection between Adderall and these alternatives usually relies on the individual patient’s response and side effect profile.

Natural OTC Adderall Alternatives

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Natural OTC Adderall alternatives encompass a variety of options, including natural alternatives to Adderall like Vyvamind, herbal remedies, and lifestyle changes, which can be accessed without a prescription.

The following subsections provide a detailed analysis of each of these alternatives, discussing their benefits, effectiveness, and safety.

Vyvamind – Why it Works

Vyvamind is a leading natural Adderall alternative that combines powerful ingredients to enhance focus, memory, and mood without the risks associated with prescription drugs. It contains L-Tyrosine, Citicoline, L-Theanine, Caffeine Anhydrous, and Vitamin B6 and B12, all of which have been proven to support cognitive function and overall brain health.

L-Tyrosine, an amino acid found in Vyvamind, is a crucial element for maintaining proper functioning of neurotransmitters. It serves as a precursor for dopamine, which then helps to regulate mood and motivation. Citicoline is a powerful nootropic compound that enhances mental energy, concentration, and processing speed by increasing the amount of acetylcholine in the brain. Caffeine Anhydrous, a concentrated form of caffeine, enhances energy and focus, while L-Theanine, an amino acid found in tea leaves, promotes relaxation without causing drowsiness and balances the stimulating effects of caffeine.

Numerous success stories and testimonials from Vyvamind users highlight the benefits of this natural Adderall alternative in improving focus, memory, and overall cognitive function. By combining evidence-based ingredients with a dedication to customer satisfaction, Vyvamind offers a safer, more natural solution for those seeking to boost their cognitive abilities without the risks associated with prescription medications.

Order Vyvamind Here

Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies like Ginkgo Biloba, Bacopa Monnieri, and Rhodiola Rosea offer cognitive benefits and support overall brain health. Ginkgo Biloba, a popular herb used in traditional medicine, has been found to improve blood circulation to the brain, potentially leading to increased mental clarity and alertness and aiding in the management of ADHD. Bacopa Monnieri, another well-known herb, has been used by many individuals to manage symptoms of ADHD and brain fog, resulting in improved clarity of thought and increased focus.

Rhodiola Rosea, a natural adaptogen, has been studied for its potential to have a stimulating and emotionally calming effect, which may help alleviate symptoms of ADHD. These herbal remedies, along with other natural supplements, can provide a safer and more natural alternative to Adderall, supporting cognitive function and overall brain health without the risks associated with prescription medications.

When evaluating herbal remedies as Adderall substitutes, it’s recommended to consult with a healthcare provider and conduct thorough research on each herb’s potential benefits, side effects, and interactions with other medications. By doing so, you can ensure that you’re choosing the most suitable and effective herbal remedy for your individual needs and symptoms.

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and mindfulness practices can also help manage ADHD symptoms and improve cognitive function. Regular physical activity has been shown to increase attention, reduce stress, and improve the ability to regulate emotions in adults with ADHD. A nutritious diet, rich in brain-boosting nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and antioxidants, can support overall brain health and cognitive function.

Obtaining sufficient sleep is another crucial factor in managing ADHD symptoms, as sleep deprivation can exacerbate inattention and impulsivity. Mindfulness practices like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga can help individuals with ADHD develop greater self-awareness and better manage their symptoms by promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

By incorporating these lifestyle changes into your daily routine, you can effectively manage ADHD symptoms and enhance cognitive function without relying on prescription medications. Some ways to do this include:

●    Establishing a consistent daily routine
●    Getting regular exercise
●    Eating a healthy diet
●    Getting enough sleep
●    Practicing stress management techniques
●    Using organizational tools and strategies

Combining these changes with natural OTC Adderall alternatives like Vyvamind and herbal remedies can provide an even more comprehensive and effective approach to improving your brain health and cognitive abilities.

Choosing the Right Adderall Alternative

Choosing the correct Adderall alternative doesn’t follow a one-size-fits-all approach. The most suitable alternative will depend on your individual needs, symptoms, and personal response to various treatments. Consulting with a healthcare provider is essential in determining the most appropriate and effective ADHD treatment for you, ensuring the best possible results in managing your symptoms.

Thorough research on the safety and efficacy of potential Adderall substitutes is also crucial, which includes considering research-backed ingredients, user reviews, and professional healthcare advice. By doing so, you can ensure that you’re selecting a safe and effective solution for enhancing your cognitive function and managing ADHD symptoms.

Ultimately, the choice between pharmaceutical and natural OTC Adderall alternatives will depend on your individual preferences, the severity of your symptoms, and the guidance of your healthcare provider. By considering all these factors, you can make an informed decision on the best Adderall alternative for you.

Safety and Effectiveness of Adderall Alternatives

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uaranteeing the safety and effectiveness of Adderall alternatives is paramount. To ensure users are using a safe and effective product, it’s crucial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Adderall substitutes by examining research-backed ingredients, analyzing user reviews, and consulting a healthcare professional.

One way to determine the safety and effectiveness of an Adderall alternative is by verifying known or potential side effects and harmful or banned substances before use. Customer reviews can also be a valuable tool in identifying fraudulent reviews and subpar formulas, ensuring users obtain a safe and efficacious product.

By carefully researching and evaluating Adderall alternatives, you can confidently choose a product that is both safe and effective, providing the cognitive benefits you seek without the risks associated with prescription medications.

Success Stories and Testimonials of Vyvamind

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Users of Vyvamind have shared numerous success stories and testimonials that highlight the benefits of this natural Adderall alternative. Many users report experiencing:

●    Swift onset of Vyvamind’s effects
●    Tackling mentally demanding tasks with greater vigor and clarity
●    Amplified focus
●    Expedited learning
●    Augmented mental alertness

They appreciate the ability to experience these benefits without relying on prescription stimulants or dangerous drugs.

These success stories underscore the effectiveness of Vyvamind in improving focus, memory, and overall cognitive function. As a result, Vyvamind has become a popular choice for individuals seeking a natural, safe, and effective alternative to Adderall.

By combining evidence-based ingredients with a dedication to customer satisfaction, Vyvamind offers a safer, more natural solution for those seeking to boost their cognitive abilities without the risks associated with prescription medications.

1) Vyvamind – Why its the strongest adderall substitute..

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This Vyvamind review will provide a comprehensive examination of the benefits, ingredients, and effectiveness of this highly-rated natural Adderall substitute. Vyvamind combines powerful ingredients, such as:

●    L-Tyrosine
●    Citicoline
●    L-Theanine
●    Caffeine Anhydrous
●    Vitamin B6 and B12

These ingredients work together to enhance focus, memory, and mood without the risks associated with prescription drugs.

L-Tyrosine serves as a precursor of dopamine, which is responsible for regulating mood and motivation. Citicoline, a powerful nootropic compound, enhances mental energy, concentration, and processing speed by augmenting the amount of acetylcholine in the brain. Caffeine Anhydrous, a concentrated form of caffeine, enhances energy and focus, while L-Theanine, an amino acid found in tea leaves, promotes relaxation without causing drowsiness and balances the stimulating effects of caffeine.

Numerous success stories and testimonials from Vyvamind users highlight the benefits of this natural Adderall alternative in improving focus, memory, and overall cognitive function. By combining evidence-based ingredients with a dedication to customer satisfaction, Vyvamind offers a safer, more natural solution for those seeking to boost their cognitive abilities without the risks associated with prescription medications.

Get the best price on Vyvamind Here

2) Noocube Review

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This Noocube review will offer a thorough analysis of this popular natural supplement known for promoting cognitive function and memory retention as an Adderall alternative. Noocube contains a blend of natural ingredients, including amino acids and extracts, that have been clinically proven to support cognitive function and overall brain health.

The company conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo study on the ingredients over the course of one year with 59 participants. The results of this study were used to validate the claimed results. Users have reported experiencing enhanced cognitive function, improved memory retention, and increased mental alertness after using Noocube.

Noocube offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, providing users with peace of mind when trying this natural Adderall alternative. With its research-backed ingredients and positive user reviews, Noocube is a viable option for individuals seeking a natural, effective, and safe alternative to Adderall.

3) Brain Pill Review

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This Brain Pill review will scrutinize this natural cognitive enhancer designed to boost focus, memory, and overall brain health. Brain Pill is composed of natural elements, including:

●    Ginkgo Biloba
●    Bacopa Monnieri
●    Rhodiola Rosea
●    L-Theanine

All of these ingredients have been shown to support cognitive function and overall brain health.

Ginkgo Biloba has been found to improve blood circulation to the brain, potentially leading to increased mental clarity and alertness. Bacopa Monnieri has been used by many individuals to manage symptoms of ADHD and brain fog, resulting in improved clarity of thought and increased focus. Rhodiola Rosea has been studied for its potential to have a stimulating and emotionally calming effect, which may help alleviate symptoms of ADHD.

Brain Pill has garnered positive reviews from users, with many noting enhanced concentration, verbalization of thoughts, and cognitive improvement. It is deemed a legitimate brain enhancement supplement containing natural and safe components, including naturally occurring brain chemical, making it a suitable alternative to Adderall for those seeking to improve their cognitive function, overall brain health, and support their brain cells.

How to Get Adderall Alternatives

Obtaining Adderall alternatives can be done through healthcare providers or online retailers. Pharmaceutical alternatives, such as:

●    Ritalin
●    Concerta
●    Vyvanse
●    Strattera

require a prescription and can be obtained through a healthcare provider. These medications offer an alternative to Adderall for individuals diagnosed with ADHD but come with their own set of potential side effects and risks.

On the other hand, natural OTC Adderall alternatives like Vyvamind, herbal remedies, and lifestyle changes can be purchased without a prescription, making them more accessible to those seeking to enhance their cognitive function without the risks associated with prescription medications. Many online retailers, such as Amazon and eBay, offer a wide range of natural Adderall alternatives that can be easily purchased and delivered to your doorstep.

Consulting a healthcare provider is crucial when selecting an Adderall substitute to identify the most appropriate and effective ADHD treatment for your unique needs, ensuring optimal symptom management. By considering your individual needs and preferences, you can find the best Adderall alternative that caters to your specific requirements.

Do You Need a Prescription for Adderall Alternatives

Prescription requirements for Adderall alternatives vary, with pharmaceutical options requiring a prescription, while natural OTC alternatives like Vyvamind can be purchased without one.

Pharmaceutical Adderall alternatives, such as:

●    Ritalin
●    Concerta
●    Vyvanse
●    Strattera

require a prescription from a doctor.

On the other hand, natural OTC Adderall alternatives, such as Vyvamind, herbal remedies, and lifestyle changes, can be acquired without a prescription. This makes them more accessible to those seeking to enhance their cognitive function without the risks associated with prescription medications.

Regardless of the chosen Adderall substitute, a consultation with a healthcare provider is indispensable to determine the most fitting and effective option tailored to your needs and symptoms.


In summary, the top natural OTC Adderall alternatives for 2023 offer a wide range of options for individuals seeking to enhance their cognitive function and overall brain health without the risks associated with prescription medications. Whether you’re considering pharmaceutical alternatives, natural supplements like Vyvamind, herbal remedies, or lifestyle changes, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the most suitable and effective solution for your individual needs.

By carefully researching and evaluating the safety and effectiveness of Adderall alternatives, you can confidently choose a product that is both safe and effective, providing the cognitive benefits you seek without the risks associated with prescription medications. Remember, the best Adderall alternative is one that caters to your specific requirements and preferences, ensuring the best possible results in managing your ADHD symptoms and enhancing cognitive function.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the closest thing to Adderall?

Prescription alternatives like Ritalin, Concerta, Vyvanse, and Strattera are the closest thing to Adderall as they have been clinically proven to be effective for the treatment of ADHD symptoms. Additionally, over-the-counter alternatives such as Vyvamind, NooCube, and Brain Pill may provide improved focus and clarity without a prescription.

What’s better than Adderall?

Dexedrine is usually more potent than Adderal because it only contains the active ingredient dextroamphetamine. Vyvanse, another stimulant medication used to treat ADHD and binge eating disorder, may also be a better choice as physicians often see better results with it compared to Adderall. Ultimately, the best option should be discussed with a physician.

What are the potential side effects and risks of using Adderall?

Adderall can lead to common side effects such as insomnia, dry mouth, and headaches, as well as habit-forming behavior and addiction. Additionally, its use can increase the risk of serious cardiovascular problems like high blood pressure, stroke, and cardiac issues.

Which natural OTC Adderall alternatives are available?

Natural OTC Adderall alternatives include Vyvamind, herbal remedies, and lifestyle changes such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), neurofeedback, and behavioral therapy.

What are the benefits of using natural Adderall alternatives?

Natural Adderall alternatives offer many of the same cognitive benefits as the drug, including increased performance and concentration, while being deemed to be safer.

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Supplements must be taken carefully and under expert guidance for maximum benefit. Please consult your doctor before starting any supplements to weigh the pros and cons and side effects if any, and especially if you have any pre-existing health condition.